Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The Leica D-lux 4 - I would die for this (p.s. this is a lie).

Above: Safari version. arrrrr

And I finally got these Chaos and Harmony skyscrapers - need to learn to walk in them. Note to self: camera and shoes match. Ideal.

And if someone bought me the new new new Lonely Hearts SS 10/11(even though it's only at sneak peak status) I wouldn't complain.

Oh and this is the business -ALFFFFFFFF ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So I constantly dream of getting over to Japan (for a shopping-snowboarding-artfrenzy hybrid holiday) and cried tears of jealousy when my work mate went over earlier this year. I then got a bit excited when I read that The Satorialist had made it to Japan depsite the chaotic ash cloud sitchy. It was only yesterday that I managed to check out his pics and if you already had a little itch to go to Japan then SHIZAM this will hit that itch out of the park and into urgen-must-get-there-now status. How unfair that he was there and I wasn't but the upside is that I can perve at his pics and day dream up a plan of how I will get there. Little taster below but you have to see the whole lot to appreciate the amazingness.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010


Just realised how much I am loving the covers of all the books by the bed at the moment - you can TOTALLY tell how good a book is going to be by looking at it's cover. Rad cover = rad book. Simple.

Top to bottom: 1984 by George Orwell (so old the pages are falling out); Fear and loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson; The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga (wicked book - sad though); Anthony Kedis Autobiography (one of the BEST books I've ever read - actually THE best); Jim Morrison, life, death, legend by Stephen Davis (nothing says rocker like black and white nudity - haha); oh yeah - absolute fav-o's my (and boyfriends) Penguin books.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Carrying on from last blog - smokin colours, graphics, makeup, the works.


Dear imaginary lover,

Given that I am your imaginary mistress and you are rolling in money while you are on your yacht in the carribean and I am getting dagerously close to telling your real wife about me I think it's time you showered me in gifts. Here are some I prepared earlier.

No pressure or anything.

p.s. this is fictional. I WISH I had a secret rich gift bearing lover! I don't think boyfriend would mind actually.

p.p.s. all shoes are from ASOS. all shoes are the equivalent of $2 million NZD. all shoes are unfairly hot and I am meant to be saving... bcecause I still need to finish paying off these shoes. oops.

Oh and p.p.p.s buyer beware - a dress I bought on ASOS is mysteriously lost in the mysterious world-class-f-up that is the ash cloud. Keep that in mind when ordering anything from the UK at the moment. Fricken Iceland!

Also love the hot pic from the ASOS home page - can never actually find the clothes they have in these pics (same on Top Shop) but still worth a good drool. I dont even really like the clothes, just the general vibe...

Reminds me of the lust I have for the colours in Rihannas Rude Boy vid - watch this space...

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Opps, another photo rampage - this time of the walkabout variety in sunny (not kidding) Wellington.

Random obsession with weeds...

Even more obsessed with secret messages hidden down Grass street...

'By a dick' - classy. Autumn colours sneaking in and spot the secret butterfly.

'no nukes!'

'Be humble'

I've never noticed this stylish (slash WTF!) addition to Lorne St before - love it. On the way in to Moore Wilsons to get your free cheese, wine and olive oil sample fix then BAM - 80's glamour explosion in your face!

Food fest...

Fromagerie at Moore Wilsons

Then a sit down to admire my dirty  sneaks and freshly cut (off) jeans

Friday, April 16, 2010