I don’t really think I should be writing my first blog entry at midnight even if it does make me an outrageously committed blogger! Anyway I’ve set myself a deadline so it’s alright - I have ten minutes to get through a pretty tight agenda so I’d better hustle (wow - youtube ‘hustle’ - so unexpected). This blog is all about my favourite things - people, tunes, fashion, things to look at, places to go - that are collected up, sifted around in my mind and jammed into my M I X T A P E. And why not start with one of my latest favourite things that I actually bought . Believe me, this is pretty rare. Around 90% of my favourite things sit under the ‘if I didn’t eat for two months could I afford this?’ umbrella, with the answer being ‘it appears not‘. Before I kick off I do need to point out that after many an apostrophe lesson with my good friend Loz, my grammar is fairly atrocious but it just adds to the flavour - puts some spice in my mixtape. YUM.
So after a visit to my other friend Jos newly pimped lounge I fell in love with a print of hers which she bagged at a market in Wellington. After a little research (read: looked more closely at the print to see who it was by) I found the artist, Minu. This German Wellingtonians art is just so damn pleasant and I ended up purchasing the teddy print as a gift . Not only is shipping free and the prints reasonably priced but Minu now offers a framing service - here’s one I (and by ‘I’ I mean ‘they’) prepared earlier…
Just a small selection of Minus’ others stunners from minu.felt.co.nz…
After taking a look around on the site I noticed her next event is at the Craft 2.0 market at the New Dowse which I will be checking out for sure...
Now that you mention the New Dowse - they are having a Little Bushman-sunshine-vino-picnic type thing this Sunday 2 8 Feb which looks to be a good Sunday type thing to do. I might name-drop Minu and see if I can get in for free - oh yeah that will work.
Anyway another incredible group of artists that falls under the umbrella I mentioned earlier are the Cut Collective - they are working across a bunch of different projects but the prints alone should blow your mind. I am actually willing to not eat for two months if it means I can have one of these…
I want one for my imaginary newly pimped lounge - I will look and dream at Endemic World.
Arrrrr there’s a moth in my room - gotta go (and hide). Oh and I blew my deadline - must try harder.